This event will only be as successful as your ability to share it with others.
Thank you for making the 1st Annual Bright Lights Ride a phenomenal success!!!
With only 11 days from ride announcement to the ride
it was wonderful to see hundreds of cyclists.
Check out our new website for an even greater event in 2023! https://www.brightlightsforkids.org/
Tail Lights
Whether it is night or day, tail lights create a safer ride for all cyclists and the drivers who pass them. Brighten up your back with a bright tail light!
Go by your local bike shop. Until the ride nearly all shops in the area are giving a discount on tail lights! Click Here to see the list.
There is even a terrific deal on Garmin Radars!
Some shops have included other safety equipment and a couple are running the sale through all of September! Support these terrific shops!!!